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9 Practical Tips to Implement Proactive Customer Service

Customer service, by default, revolves around the traditional concept of helping customers when they show up with a problem. There is nothing wrong with this approach except the fact that customers have to go through the frustrating process of emails and calls every time they encounter challenges.  Is this reactionary approach sufficient in today’s intensely...
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10 Tips to Create a Sales Enablement Strategy That Actually Works

What is the ultimate goal of any business?  To sell, earn revenue, and build lasting relationships with customers.  All of this is directly dependent on those on your front line, i.e., your sales soldiers. They fight and fall multiple times to drive customers to the point where they happily want to do business with you....
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6 Powerful Call Deflection Strategies for Delighted Customers & Productive Agents

Do you often find your support staff struggling with the horrifying number of calls for trivial issues every single day? And does this turn agents too flustered and stressed out to focus on critical customer concerns that require their undivided attention?  Imagine answering the question – “Where is my order and why is it getting...
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7 Powerful Customer Service Channels You Simply Can’t Ignore

“There is no substitute for rock-solid customer service. You provide it or you don’t. Period!” Customer service – Do it right, and you can win customers’ hearts, increase sales, and create a positive growth graph for your business.  Going wrong with it can negatively impact your growth.  One of the many things that differentiate excellent...
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10 Customer-Centric Strategies to Win Customers For Life

We are in the experience economy where every business is running a race to deliver exceptional customer experiences.  Guess what. While the participants in this competition are countless, the winners are very few.  Why do most businesses struggle to get the customer experience right?  That’s because they are still stuck in the belief that customer...
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Best Customer Service Tools for 2025

The customer service landscape is evolving rapidly.  From direct in-person conversations and phone calls to chatbots and self-service, customer service has come a long way.  At the center of this remarkable progress is the adoption of technology that is making customer service simpler and more seamless with every passing day.   Companies that are at the...
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11 Strategies To Reduce Customer Service Costs Quickly

Running a customer support function effectively is costly.  But not doing so can be even costlier as you might lose the customers who are the very source of your revenue. So, as a growing business, how do you provide impeccable customer support while sticking to the budget?  Compromising the quality of support is never an...
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How to Build a Customer Service Policy for Your Business

100% satisfied customers, no bad reviews, zero complaints – sounds dreamy, right?  But does such an ideal situation exist?  In reality, even if you give it your all, customers will still have complaints to raise, issues to be addressed, and questions to ask.  While you cannot control the inflow of customer requests, you can take...
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8 Tips On How To Handle Customer Complaints (Plus How To Solve Them)

Do you know what makes big brands like Amazon, Apple, and Samsung exceptional?  Besides their high-quality products, what really makes people stick to these brands is how brilliantly they handle customer complaints.  Dealing with customers is an art that requires perseverance and patience, more than anything else. So, whether you are a month-old startup or...
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Customer Support Funnel – How to Build and Optimize

It is common for customer-facing departments like Marketing and Sales to base their strategies and decisions on a well-designed funnel.  But, does your job end there? What about the time when a lead finally converts into a customer? That’s when you need a customer support funnel. While the marketing and sales funnel guides prospects to...
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