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Boost Your Online Business With Ecommerce Knowledge Base

What is an Ecommerce Knowledge Base?  An ecommerce knowledge base is a go-to place where prospects and customers can find accurate answers to any questions they have about a company’s products, service, payment, refunds, and more. It is a comprehensive resource offering 24×7 access to necessary information customers need before, during, and even after the...
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Creating a Customer Service Knowledge Base: Best Practices & Examples

What if your customers could get answers to their questions without ever having to contact your support team? Sounds too good to be true, right?  Creating a customer service knowledge base can make this a reality for your business.  Considering the sky-high expectations of customers, it’s now indispensable for companies to opt for a combination...
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How to Create a Culture of Knowledge Sharing in Your Workplace – Tips

In the information-intensive business world, the one thing that can give you a competitive edge is – knowledge.  When leveraged right, knowledge has the power to spark innovation, boost collaboration, and achieve peak productivity levels.  However, most organizations today face the daunting challenge of scattered information and knowledge hoarding. These are the silent problems that...
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Employee Onboarding: How to Use Your Knowledge Base Effectively

Did you ever imagine walking into the office on your first day at work and getting to know the key players from your team over doughnuts and coffee? Well, that’s how the onboarding program at Zumper goes. Google leads the way when it comes to innovative onboarding programs and naturally excels at making employees feel...
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Knowledge Management System (KMS): The Ultimate Guide

In this digital age, information overload has made knowledge management increasingly important for organizations. While consolidating business knowledge still remains one of the most arduous challenges companies face, leveraging this knowledge for business growth is a goal that’s even more far-fetched. For most organizations, regardless of their size, a Knowledge Management System (KMS) is the...
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Corporate Wiki vs. Knowledge Base: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

It is a well-known fact that knowledge is a critical business asset. Behind every game-changing decision, successful deals, and powerful strategies, is the knowledge you have gained over the years. It’s this knowledge that creates enduring value for your company, employees, and customers.  Knowledge is inarguably a major driving force for continued business growth and...
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How to Create an Internal Knowledge Base: A Complete Guide with Tools & Software

Employees spend an inordinate amount of time every single day looking for information tucked away in documents, email chains, and spreadsheets.  When valuable work time is spent on trivial tasks like information gathering, employee productivity, creativity, and performance take a hit.  An internal knowledge base is the best solution to this persistent problem faced by...
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15 Hot Knowledge Management Trends for 2024

In this hyper-connected era, a Tsunami of knowledge is being generated and shared by organizations.   If estimates are to be believed, a mind-boggling 59 zettabytes of data was generated in the year 2020 alone.  But the bitter truth is that knowledge alone cannot work its magic.  Knowledge should be tied to action to deliver real...
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How to Improve Customer Experience With Knowledge Management

Gone are the days when product and price dictated a company’s success.  89% of companies today compete solely on the basis of customer experience. In this digital world, customers are in the driving seat, you need to pivot towards crafting exceptional experiences to stand strong with your heads held high.  What if you don’t work...
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Content Management Vs. Knowledge Management : Differences Revealed

Turning piles of data into valuable information dominates the key business goals today.  This is because the information is a strategic asset that can help companies contain costs and develop a competitive advantage.  What happens if this information is not managed properly?  It can hurt employee productivity, negatively impacting decision making, and costing you millions...
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