AI Knowledge Base That’s Delightfully Intuitive

Create help content in minutes with ProProfs AI
Get Started Free

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  • Create & enhance help content with AI
  • SEO-optimize your help content
  • Analyze & improve your content with AI reports
  • Improve content quality & save time
  • Enable better self-service & usage insights
Get Started Free

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How to Create Help Content with AI

Create & enhance your help content with custom prompts & content customization tools
  • Step 1: Create a new article

    Pick a template, import existing content, or create a blank page to start with.

  • Step 2: Get your article content by telling AI

    Generate help content, summarize the current article, or improve it/adjust the length with AI.

  • Step 3: Customize your article & publish

    Add a table of contents, and fine-tune styling with custom fonts/colors or CSS.

How to SEO-Optimize Your Help Content

Boost your knowledge base's visibility with AI-powered SEO optimization
Step 1: Generate article title recommendations arrow

Get AI-powered suggestions for catchy and SEO-friendly article titles that attract more readers.

Generate article title
Step 2: Generate article tags arrow

Improve content discoverability with relevant tags generated by AI, making it easier for users to find what they need.

Generate article tags
Step 3: Generate article SEO meta description arrow

Craft compelling meta descriptions that improve your knowledge base's search engine ranking and click-through rates.

Generate article SEO
  • Step 1: Generate article title recommendations

    Get AI-powered suggestions for catchy and SEO-friendly article titles that attract more readers.

  • Step 2: Generate article tags

    Improve content discoverability with relevant tags generated by AI, making it easier for users to find what they need.

  • Step 3: Generate article SEO meta description

    Craft compelling meta descriptions that improve your knowledge base's search engine ranking and click-through rates.

Analyze & Improve Your Content with AI Reports

Gain data-driven insights into your knowledge base's performance & optimize its impact
  • Gain insights into your knowledge base statistics

    Track key metrics like total searches, failed searches, articles created, total reads, etc., to understand how your knowledge base is used.

  • Track author activity & contributions

    Monitor author activity to ensure your knowledge base stays up-to-date.

  • Pinpoint popular & poorly rated content

    Identify areas for improvement with popular and poorly rated articles, failed keywords, and more.

Gain insights into your knowledge base statistics arrow

Track key metrics like total searches, failed searches, articles created, total reads, etc., to understand how your knowledge base is used.

Track author activity & contributions arrow

Monitor author activity to ensure your knowledge base stays up-to-date.

Pinpoint popular & poorly rated content arrow

Identify areas for improvement with popular and poorly rated articles, failed keywords, and more.

Pinpoint popular & poorly rated content
Get Started Free

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Want to boost knowledge sharing by 80%?

Create & enhance your knowledge base with the power of AI
Get Started Free

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Top Knowledge Base AI Writer Features You’ll Love

Summarize Content

Condense lengthy articles for improved readability

Outline Main Points

Extract key takeaways and create structured outlines

Custom Content Creation

Generate unique content with custom AI prompts

Built-in Prompts

Use pre-defined prompts for quick content generation

Title Recommendations

Get AI-powered suggestions for catchy article titles

Generate Article Tags

Improve content discoverability with AI-generated tags

SEO Meta Descriptions

Optimize meta descriptions for search engine ranking

Related Article Suggestions

Enhance user engagement with related content recommendations

Analyze & Improve Content

Gain data-driven insights to optimize your knowledge base

ProProfs is a Recognized Leader in Knowledge Management

Digital Best
American Business Award
Rising Star
Knowledge Management Software
Crozdesk Leader
Brandon Hall
Crozdesk Happiest User
Crozdesk Quality Choice
Digital Best
American Business Award
Rising Star
Knowledge Management Software
Crozdesk Leader
Brandon Hall
Crozdesk Happiest User
Crozdesk Quality Choice

Press & Ratings

ProProfs Knowledge Base Software Capeterra Review
ProProfs Knowledge Base Software FinancesOnline Review
ProProfs Knowledge Base Software G2Crowd Review
ProProfs Knowledge Base Software GetApp Review
ProProfs Knowledge Base Software SaaSGenius Review

Try ProProfs Knowledge Base for Free

Create effortless self-service experiences for your customers & employees
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