Press & Ratings

Track every action visitors take and uncover useful insights with ProProfs Knowledge Base and MS Clarity integration.
MS Clarity Integration >Automate the knowledge base translation process with ProProfs and Crowdin integration.
Crowdin Integration >Closely monitor visitors activities in your knowledge base with Hotjar integration.
Hotjar Integration >Resolve customer issues faster with a powerful combination of chat and self-service.
ProProfs Chat Integration >Centrally manage Azure users and help them sign in smoothly to ProProfs with Azure AD integration.
Azure Integration >Get instant updates on changes in knowledge base articles directly in your Slack account.
Slack Integration >Suggest a Tool/App for our integration library, or leave your unique integration requirement for us to get back.
Suggest an IntegrationWe significantly reduced errors in every order, thanks to the centralised source of information we created using Proprofs knowledge base software.
Training Specialist, The Studio Technologies Inc.
WithProprofs, we’ve had an explosion in data available in just a few months, our knowledge base has exploded to over 200 useful articles full of relevant data, documentation, image and video.
Creative Solutions Manager, Kenco Logistics
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