Delight Your Customers & Employees

Improve customer support & employee training with wikis, FAQs & manuals!
Why ProProfs
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Millions of happy users
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Trusted by leading companies
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Hosted with IBM
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Reliable system uptime
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Daily local & remote backup
  • tick ProProfs chat tick 24/7 chat, email & phone support
Why ProProfs

Easily Create a Knowledge Base

Create pages with ease, build structured table of contents & publish instantly.
Draft Pages
Draft Pages

Save a page as a draft and come back to it later. You can also change published pages back to drafts at any time.

PDF Manual
PDF Manual

Your can download your entire help site as a PDF manual, containing table of contents, bookmarks, links & graphics.

True WYSIWYG Interface
True WYSIWYG Interface

What you see while editing is exactly what you get when you publish, with the exception of the design toolbar.

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Design Beautiful Help Sites

Easily customize your help sites & user guides. Design with CSS & HTML.
Your Own Domain
Your Own Domain

You can customize the domain names of your help sites and online manuals to reflect your company's URL.

Easy Customization
Easy Customization

Use your own custom color theme, header/logo, pages, CSS styles, and domain name.

HTML/CSS Accesse

Code view gives you easy and direct access to the HTML. You can also enter and use your own CSS styles.

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100+ Settings, Powerful Integrations

Your knowledgebase, your way. Integrate with other tools, SSO & more.
Multilingual Support
Multilingual Support

ProProfs offers Google Translate integration so you can write and view your site's content in any language.

Feedback From Users
Feedback From Users

Gather feedback from your readers about the content on a specific page directly from their mobile device.

Analytics & Reports
Analytics & Reports

Gain insight on your clients' searches by adding Google Analytics to your site (logged in users are not tracked).

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Collaborate With Teams

Get your team involved to create the knowledgebase quickly.
Users & roles
Users & roles

As the admin of your knowledge base you can add multiple users, assign them roles and control what they do.

Enable Locks
Enable Locks

You can enable locks to prevent multiple authors and contributors from overwriting each other’s work.

Restrict Access
Restrict Access

You can restrict access to each site, away from public view, by using our URL authentication token.

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Access Anytime & Anywhere!

No more worrying about pesky compatibility issues. We ensure your site looks perfect on any screen or browser.
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Works on Apple, Android & more
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Supports iPad, iPhone & more
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Automatically resize images
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Add mobile themes
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Touch-friendly table of contents
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Browse with swipes & taps
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Optimized for all screen-sizes
Touch Friendly
Touch Friendly

Touch friendly so your users can swipe, tap, and easily browse your documentation on mobile devices.

Retina Support
Retina Support

Optimized for pixel-dense resolutions, so large images are automatically re-sized to fit smaller screens.

Device Support
Device Support

Tons of devices supported including iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, Lumia, Kindle Fire, Nexus, Galaxy, HTC & many more.

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We Believe Software Should Make You Happy

We are building a 100-year company with awesome human support

We are building a 100-year company with a mission to DELIGHT customers. People think we’re crazy to offer phone, chat, and email support. We still do it. When it comes to awesome support & building delightful software, we go the distance - try it, and you will love it.

Why ProProfs Is the Best Knowledge Base Software

Easily Create Your Knowledge Base

Building a knowledge base is a breeze with ProProfs. All you need to do is sign up and start authoring content with our simple-to-use online text editor.

25+ Ready-to-Use Templates

Choose from professionally designed templates to create a robust knowledge base, user manual, documentation, and help sites. Replace the placeholders with your ready content and modify the template based on your requirements.

Reduce Tickets by up to 80%

Empower your customers with instant self-help 24/7 and bring down your support tickets by up to 80 percent. Reduce the workload of your support team and help them focus on critical customer questions.

Define Roles, Permissions & Security

Assign roles such as editor, contributor, administrator, and viewer to different users and groups. Define their permissions based on their roles. Take full control of who can do what in your knowledge base.

Get Delightful Reports & Analytics

Get actionable insights into your knowledge base’s performance. Know the total number of searches, failed and successful searches, popular and poorly rated articles, broken links, and more.

Add Your Branding & Colors

Your knowledge base should reflect your brand. Add your brand name and logo to your knowledge base. Customize it with the right fonts, colors, and themes that go well with your brand.

Loved by Leading Companies

You will never outgrow our Knowledge Base software because it’s built to grow with you. We’ve been building these products for over 10 years, and they are being used by big companies like Adobe, Nissan, Sycamore Education, and Duracell. We aren’t like our empty shell-like competitors that look slick on the outside but underperform on the inside.

Plays Nicely With Others

ProProfs Knowledge Base software integrates seamlessly with powerful tools, including Google Analytics, Wufoo, Zendesk, Salesforce, Freshdesk, among many others.

All the Features You Could Possibly Need

ProProfs Knowledge Base Software has got everything you need to create an impressive help center. From authoring and publishing to customization and collaboration, the software tool offers them all.

Honest, Simple Pricing

We have simple and straightforward pricing and a 100% guarantee because we think our customers deserve that. There are no per-use fees, and no usage fees. You choose the package that fits your needs, and you know exactly what you’re going to spend right upfront. There are no hidden fees and no surprises at the end of the month.

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